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If you are viewing this web page, you are seeking the "insider" way of getting business referrals in Scottsdale with an elite group of highly skilled professionals who target business opportunities with precision.

What is SESORE?
This is an exclusive group which meets twice a month. We only allow one representative for each industry category and the group is capped at 30 members. So there may be a waiting list for some categories. The board will review your application to see of your membership request is a good fit for this group. Many factors are wieghed.

As a group we encourage involvement and we hold all our members accountable. We do this with a point system. You have to achieve a certain amount of points to stay in the group and it isn't hard to do. It is actually quite fun.

Speaking of fun. This is a fun group. Our meetings are fun and productive. We hold group parties a couple of times a year free to the members and their families.

Are you up to the task of joining this group?
We are always looking for like minded individuals who take giving and getting referrals seriously. To join, you must first fill out this form.


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